Frankfurt Drafting School (FDS) is initiated and hosted by the FMAA e.V. and taking place at Campus Westend, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main.
Before the Willem C. Vis Moot Court starts in early October, the freshly chosen Mooties usually have little knowledge of the CISG or the applicable arbitration laws. Moreover, most of them have never faced the challenge of writing a memorandum and making a case from a client’s perspective. Hence, in the short amount of time they are given to produce both memoranda, the participants not only have to deal with fields of law previously unknown to them, but also have to familiarise themselves with a new form of presenting legal arguments.
This is where the Frankfurt Drafting School (FDS) aims to provide valuable assistance. During the course of this three-day seminar, the participants are introduced to the basic concepts of International Commercial Arbitration and to the CISG. Lectures will be held by renowned academics and practitioners who are affiliated with the Vis Moot Court as coaches and/or arbitrators. Furthermore, in a long-standing FDS tradition, two experienced former coaches will conduct hands-on memorandum drafting exercises with the participants and analyse memoranda from past editions of the competition.
We happily announce that the FDS will be held as an in-person event again. In order to fight the pandemic, we will introduce the relevant security measures.
The FDS is organised by the Frankfurt Moot Alumni Association (FMAA), a collegiate organisation consisting of current and former law students of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. To cover the arising costs, there will be a participation fee of € 18,– per team member. Participation is limited. The FDS is conducted partly in German and partly in English. It will be held at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend from 15 – 17 September 2021 (Wednesday to Friday).
Please visit the Frankfurt Drafting School website for more information:
To join Frankfurt Drafting School please visit and download the file “Invitation_FDS_2021.pdf” for relevant contact data.
15 – 17 September 2021
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Campus Westend
60323 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Dr. Johannes P. Willheim, Partner at Jones Day
Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 11.00 – 13.00 h