Kraków, Poland
V Allerhand Arbitration & Dispute Resolution Summit
From Specific ADR Methods to Dispute Management

V Allerhand Dispute Resolution, Mediation and Arbitration Summit

June 6, 2018
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

June 7, 2018
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Klub Adwokata, ul. Sławkowska 1, Kraków, Poland

The Allerhand Institute is an independent research centre, which conducts interdisciplinary and comparative studies on the role of legal institutions in creating and working in economic markets, both in terms of the shape of the regulation and the institutional framework they create. Allerhand Lecture Series is a series of lectures given by experts on the most up-to-date topics relating to law (and often combined with many different aspects, such as economic, sociological or technical). Following the lecture there is a facilitated discussion with the speaker.


  • Arbitration in CEE
  • Changes on Rules and Law & Jurisprudence: DIS, SWISS, ICC, VIAC
  • New issues on the field of ADR in CEE
  • Regional ADR centres – does it make sense?
  • Development of mediation in CEE
  • Mediating Among the Mediators – do we have consistent standards on enforcement of settlement agreements resulting from mediation?

Jones Day partner Dr. Johannes P. Willheim will give the following lecture:

From Specific ADR Methods to Dispute Management

Dispute management has the objective of appropriately dealing with disputes. It encompasses analytical, efficiency and communication tools. In this lecture he will provide an overview in the emerging discipline of dispute management and how it will shape the future training and work of professionals active in dispute resolution.

Please visit the Allerhand Institute website for more information.
