I am delighted that on the evening of 8 September 2022, I will be the Keynote speaker at an in-person #ICCYAAF event on “Psychology in Arbitration and Mediation – The impact of bias”, hosted by the German Dispute Resolution team of Ashurst in Frankfurt.
We will discuss and explore the interplay between psychology and practice in arbitration and mediation, illustrated from the different perspectives of counsel, arbitrator, mediator and academic. We are honoured to welcome as speakers Johannes P. Willheim, Esq., FCIArb, Mahnaz Malik of Twenty Essex, Anne-Karin Grill and Myriam G. from Newcastle University. The event will be moderated by Dr. Judith Sawang of Ashurst and followed by drinks and nibbles. Many thanks to regional coordinator Dr. Paul Hauser for making this possible and for his great support in setting this up!
Join this interdisciplinary in-person ICC YAAF event for some insights in and a discussion of the interplay between psychology in arbitration and mediation, illustrated from the different perspectives of counsel, arbitrator, mediator and academic.
Traditionally, there is a belief that the law is an objective science and will be applied by rational and conscious decision makers. Based on the Roman principle “Da mihi facta, dabo tibi ius”, the general idea is that the application of the law is nothing but the outcome of an objective thought process in consideration of clear cold facts. However, behavioural research and neuroscience suggest that the notion of the purely rational lawyer is largely misguided, and that psychology forms an integral part of the law.
Nevertheless, traditional legal education focuses mainly on academic knowledge, research and writing skills. To a much lesser extent, it sometimes includes so-called soft skills such as advocacy and negotiation skills. Ultimately, these soft skills rest on insights gained from psychology.
So which role does psychology play in assessing, winning, deciding or mediating a case?
The format of the event will be structured by a moderated panel discussion. The speakers will address the interplay between arbitration, mediation and psychology from different professional backgrounds and experiences (counsel, arbitrator, mediator and academic).
Both students and practitioners interested in arbitration, mediation, advocacy and psychology are invited to the event. Participants will be able to attend and participate in the speakers’ discussion.
Dr. Johannes P. Willheim, Partner at Jones Day
08 September 2022
Interested students and practitioners are invited to register via the link below: